Ideas behind work


“A loose stitch?” (a dutch expression for a screw loose?)

This conceptual work fits into my often used themes:

-the combination of vulnerability and strength.
This work depicts brains with in the middle a loose or fixed stitch, highlighted by a pearl.

The reason for making this work is due to the spell of fear that my disability (Muscles weakness when there are too many stimuli for my brains) is confused with the fact that I would have a "screw loose"( a loose stitch), which people with disabilities more often happens. However, I only have particularly highly sensitive brains and that is a source of both strength and vulnerability.

Further appeals to me the idea that people  are the most inspiring in their deviations from the normal, in their peculiarity. Are those not the pearls in our minds?

Language Connection
Apart from the literal gem I found it nice to have a linguistic connection between the themes of the work ( loose stitches, if necessary, dropped stitches) and here I used a  technique that is so characteristic of working with textiles: (basting-) Stitches

Physical action and personalisation possibilities
Finally, you can execute the idea behind the work yourself and even personalize. (see "Manual") Manual and personalisation
You can tighten the loose stitch in the middle  yourself  by means of pulling the ribbon with pearl below! And by pulling  the pearl in the middle you can also loosen it a bit back again, if you want. Maybe you like to have a loose stitch!( a screw loose)The nice thing about this work is that the new owner has the opportunity to personalize it.

You can (gently) pull the other ribbons and wires and thus determine where you think your own  loose stitch (screw loose) is located. You can also tighten them by pulling on the wires at the back. Then the loops are on the back again.

steekje lossteekje los

Loose stitches at the front and at the back ......... loops.


